2012-02-21 19:30:00

More than just Fun!

On Friday we were honoured with a guest from Finland.

Teacher Nea Viljakainen is a Comenius-assistant in Novigrad Podravski who visited us for a day at our request. She gave a presentation to the teacher staff at our school and sat in on four classes of Geography and History. We enjoyed an interesting cultural exchange. We communicated in English which allowed many individuals the opportunity to demonstrate a high level of competency in this type of communication.

When the Finish teacher arrived, laughter prevailed in the classroom because everything was so strange to us, just as our language is strange to her since she doesn't understand it. She spoke English the entire hour. It was difficult, but we succeeded. We showed her our projects and posters also in English. After our presentations we talked about Finland. If we didn't know something, Miss Viljakainen would supply the answers.

Then it was her turn to show us everything she knew. She taught us some words in Finish. She said them and we repeated it. It was a very good hour considering that we are one of the waeker classes. Luckly English is one of our strengths. Our teachers were satisfied with our efforts and participation because we showed a desire to learn more. This was one of the best geography lessons that we have ever had because normally we are not allowed to joke around so much and to ask so many questions. In the end, it was more than just fun.

                                                                                                            Matea Kajtaz, 7th d


Osnovna ¹kola Sesvetska Sopnica